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Ellen Korth & Hadmut Bittiger
Text: Hilde Dorrestein
Publisher: self-published
Year : 2022/2023T
Price Map : 525 euro
Price Book one and 1 Textbook : 450 euro
Price Book 2 without Textbook : 150 euro
Edition 20: Book one : Murakumo Kozo Select 42 gr.
Book two : Rice Paper 90 gr.
Textbook : Leporello Rice Paper 90 gr

“Do you want to make a book with me?”
asked Hadmut to Ellen, her friend.
Two artists, two cities, Deventer Berlin.
Bridging the distance, evolving, contrasting, blending – as does a friendship that goes back many decades.
Three photos each that made them marvel at the other – that is where they decided to start from.
Berlin and Deventer – it takes a journey. But it is the meeting that counts. Through their work. Starting from page 1.
From two to one.